After being overseas - and US tv free - for three years, I promised myself I wouldn't get caught up in any of my old, poor tv habits. Ok, so maybe the hubby and I watched a couple reality shows online while in Japan (Top Chef, Shear Genius - although the later doesn't really count since we only watched it because we knew a contestant!), but overall I wanted nothing to do with the overly dramatic, absurdly over-the-top shows that are prevalent over the US airwaves.
But damn it if Project Runway hasn't sucked me in! Don't get me wrong, I still kind of hate the 'contest show' format. Especially when the contestants take it all too seriously and act as if the judges are some sort of demi-gods. I recognize that the judges are respected people in the industry and their opinion can make a career, so it's understandable - to a point. (When contestants start acting like winning the contest will validate their entire existence, that's when the eye rolls begin.) I also hate the hyped-up editing when it makes the show way more intense than it needs to be.
So how is it that Runway has captured me? Well, partly because it is a bit silly and sometimes you need a little junk food for the brain. But mostly I think it's the fact that the contestants actually seem to have some serious skills going on, and I am almost always impressed that in the short time given they can actually create something. I can sometimes watch cooking reality shows for this same reason. As long as the contestants' skills are showcased more than their inter-personal dramas (and the judges' arrogance stays at a minimum), it holds my attention and interest.
So damn you Project Runway! You're one guilty pleasure I relish.