Well, after returning to the States after several years overseas, I came to a realization about US fashion magazines: they suck. Don't get me wrong, I still glance through them occasionally, but let's face it, every damn fashion spread - even in the coolest of magazines - never looks like something you'd actually wear on the streets. And the photo shoots are ridiculous, putting models in all kids of unnatural poses and absurd settings. (Such as the example below...)

I wanna know what people are *really* wearing. I wanna see how people honestly express themselves without a damn camera crew, stylist, and pro photographer. And that's what the blog's all about. Show off what *you* wear; your style. Contribute pics of you, your friends, whatever! What's the scene in your city, your town, your campus?
Send it over to Picky Peaches (at pickypeaches@gmail.com)! ^_~ I'll be posting my own next Tues!