Name: Gillian Hayami
Locale: Raleigh, North Carolina
Profession: Professional wanderer, international woman of mystery, space cowboy.
Fashion Influences: I wouldn't say that I have any particular fashion influences that I'm aware of. My approach to fashion is fairly simple: I dress for comfort first. My wardrobe revolves entirely around my beloved collection of comfy pants, except in the colder months when it revolves around my equally beloved collection of comfy sweaters. I love the fall because I can wear them both at the same time. During these months my mother tells me I look like a "bag lady" with increased frequency. I prefer to call it "bag lady chic".
The only other thing that I would say defines my wardrobe is my collection of scarves, which is getting out of hand . Oh and it's fairly important that whatever comfy pants I buy can be worn with Birkenstock clogs or sandals since I hate all other shoes, especially ones with laces or heels that go "clip clop" when I walk. I prefer my feet to make a lazy shuffling sound, and I certainly don't think they should herald the approach of a horse or some high powered business woman, since I am neither. If anything, I'm more horse
Favorite Shops/ Labels: Although I will occasionally drop a bomb on a pair of really awesome comfy pants, it generally kills me to spend a lot of money on clothes, especially when I'm just going to be called a bag lady anyway. Like my dear Aunt Dawn says, "We don't pay retail", especially not for clothes that were imported for a few dollars a piece from India or Thailand. Speaking of which, the best places to find comfy pants are India and S.E. Asia. Street markets in Asia are a comfy pants gold mine, and you can't beat the prices.
Local Fashion Scene: I know nothing of the local "fashion scene". I'm not sure there is one in Raleigh, and I don't tend to notice those things anyway.
*Interested in being a Peach?*
Send 1) one full-length pic, 2) 2 to 4 other snapshots that capture your style, 3) you name, locale, fav shops, influences, the scene in your city, or any other pertinent info to pickypeaches@gmail.com