Ok, I like to keep things light on here, but I just have to comment on something this absurd! Apparently, skinny jeans became the deciding factor in a rape case in Australia recently. In a note to the judge, the jury commented that they wanted more details on exactly what the victim was wearing because they, 'doubt those kind of jeans can be removed without any sort of collaboration’. Once it was confirmed the victim had indeed worn the skinny jeans, the accused rapist was acquitted.
Wow. You heard it here first ladies! We need not fear sexual assault as long as we're wearing skinny jeans! It's like kryptonite against sex offenders! They don't have the skill or know-how to get 'em off - unless you saucy ladies lend a hand! Hmm, do I hear the chime of a new jeans ad coming on? Think of the sales once word hits the street!
Of course, we might have to hold off on our excitement until we find out if we're only safe in Australia. Men from other countries might have more dexterity. Only time will tell.
(For more info, see the article in BUST online, here.)