While spending last month in San Francisco, I realized that the Uggs

trend is alive and well - despite my praying for it to end about a decade ago. Though I admit that some people do manage to pull of the look - usually when it involves one of the darker colored Uggs or the new knitted series, which seems to have a bit more shape to the toe than the standard Ugg. But I stand firmly behind the opinion that lighter colors - particularly the pale pink - are atrocious.(If you need an example, I've provided one on the right... yikes.)
The sad sight of those dirtied, pale, floppy boots sagging around the ankles with sweats or jeans stuffed into the top just kills me, mostly because it looks flattering on
no one and makes
everyone's feet look larger. Although the newest variation seems to be too tight, too short

shorts paired with the boots so that not only your feet, but your thighs look unflattering as well. I have seen this look on one too many sorority gals running about campus in shapeless Uggs. So much so, in fact, that I feel like they might as well hand out the lifeless boots to all freshmen girls upon admission.
I go for comfort as much as the next girl, and I adore warm, fuzzy boots. What I don't understand is how such a shapeless boot has become so popular. Like I said, sometimes the look can be pulled off - not often.
Not only are they ugly, they're bad for your health!!
I agree to this whole heartly. A small handful of people can pull this off. I bought a knock off pair when I got to Japan mainly beacsue it is so damn cold in the house and I wanted a big fuzzy thing wrapped around my legs. Needless to say they will not return home to the US with me since my home will have proper heating.