HATE: Tights as pants
Seriously, this is one of the most hideous trends I've seen take

hold recently - and unfortunately one of the most prevalent. When I left Japan, women there were working a similar style, but they had the good sense to pair their black tights with long button-down shirts that at least covered their asses. I can't say Americans have the same discretion. Yesterday, I saw a girl in heather gray tights and a red shirt that
just came to her hips, framing the prominent V of her camel toe for all to see. I came very close to stopping and shaking some good fashion sense into her, but thought better of it. I've also seen several girls abusing those shiny faux-leather tights and not covering their asses in those either. And let me tell you ladies, unless you're walking-the-runway thin, you won't look good in these unless they're under a skirt. (Actually, I take that back, I don't care how thin you are, they still look unflattering - the picture case in point! Panty line anyone?). I'm all about experimenting with fashion, but for god's sake make it look good. Don't just throw it on because you saw it in a magazine or it looked hot on the plastic mannequin. And in case you think I'm the only one that feels this way, check out www.tightsarenotpants.com
LOVE: Peacock feathers
This trends been floating around for a while, but I

adore it. The colors are gorgeous, it's inspired from nature, and it has a classic feel even with such a bold pattern and color. What's not to love? Earrings and hair clips in particular add a nice flash of color. And despite the price tag of these accessories, the look can be economical if you've got a hot glue gun and access to a craft store. Or better yet, if there's a Chinatown in your city you can get peacock feathers dirt cheap for DIY projects.
But a word of warning: any good look can wrong if you go overboard. I'd steer clear of the peacock-themed lingerie. Dear lord. If you need to buy
that to get your lover's attention, you're doing something wrong, honey.
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